Found in the yard recently, was this weathered and 'tagged'
RailBox boxcar, still in it's (faded) as-delivered paint scheme.

A new customer in the area is a soda bottling plant in Dale City. Making 'budget-priced' sodas, the new plant requires
A LOT of corn syrup. Several tank cars a week are shuffled in and out of the facility, adding an extra bit of revenue for the railroad.

A tractor-
trailer turns out of downtown, after picking up a loaded container from a customer in the Industrial District.

Sam and Bill check out a 'hot-
rodded' car. The owner converted it from an old Checker taxi cab by removing the bumpers, signs and hood ornament; shaving the door handles; Frenching the headlights; and adding fog lights and rear pipes through the rear body. Now if only he would get a license plate...