Saturday, September 11, 2010


The gang gathers for the morning discussion. While Hillsdale -like most yards -works around the clock, most of the action takes place during the day. Most of the night freights simply pass through town; only occasionally do they stop to pick up/set out cars. Local runs at night are even rarer since many of the local customers shut down at night; however the night crew does work the yard to get things set up for the morning runs.

The big white cars are cryogenic reefers, destined for the food processor in Dale City. The big tank cars in the middle tracks are for carrying LPG (Liquid Petroleum Gas), the smaller ones in the back are corn syrup cars for the soda plant, also in Dale City. The boxcars are probably carrying scrap paper bales to the paper mill for recycling, and the gondola in front of them is loaded with scrap metal for Wilson Steel Works (yet another customer in Dale City!).

Here, a string of empty wood chip cars sit, waiting for a west-bound to take them back to the saw mill to be re-loaded.

These two shots of the same auto-rack show some of the graffiti that seems to show up on these cars. Unfortunately, this is the mild stuff as far as graffiti goes- hence the use of fully-enclosed auto-carriers to transport brand-new vehicles in.

Saturday, September 4, 2010


While a customized Ford F100 gets it's tires checked, more cars are lined up out front. Looks like it'll be another busy week for Tony and his crew!

Not all of these cars are here for work, the silver Trans-Am belongs to one the workers. The yellow Camaro belongs to Matt Davis, seen last week at the AP&W company picnic. It's here for a tune-up, along with the GTO and the 72' 'Cuda.

Also waiting for work are a 69' Boss Mustang, a Shelby Cobra, and a hot-rod. I wonder if there are more automotive gems in that storage unit?

Later, another Camaro shows up; this red one from California! The owner was in town visiting relatives. He took the car to Tony to have it checked out before he went back to the West Coast -alot of things can go wrong on a 3000+ mile road trip!

Tony can also work on the big SUV's; here a happy customer drives away in her Hummer H2. Foreign or domestic, old or new, big or small, Tony's Garage fixes them all!