A new structure has recently been added...
A new shed is being built for the MOW vehicles.The foundation has been poured and the support beams have been erected, as the workers begin the process of spreading the gravel approaches to the stalls.
The bulldozer operator is ready to climb back in his equipment and begin moving the gravel as soon as the dump truck finishes unloading. The dozer will do all the heavy shoving, the other workers will simply finish the surface and edges.
The contractor's trucks sit off to the side. The first truck has a water tank for dust control.
The walls and roof are up, and the approaches are finished.
The bulldozer is loaded onto the trailer, and the men are finishing up.
The completed structure. Walls and roof are tan, the interior is white.
The bulldozer is hauled off, and the rest of the contractor's workers, trucks and equipment will soon follow. Job well done!