Sunday, February 2, 2025


 KCN87RIX, a new priority intermodal freight, is passing through Hillsdale...

The train of reefer containers continues, with more C.R. England boxes and a Tiger Cool Express box.
The containers of C.R. England, Tiger Cool Express, White Arrow, and NFI "Roadrail" are in this shot.
A mix of Alliance Shippers, another White Arrow, and Tiger Cool.
More Alliance Shippers, along with an Axsun reefer box.
More Alliance Shippers with containers marking the merger of FFE and KLLM following.
Another Tiger Cool, another NFI, and more FFE/KLLM.
More FFE/KLLM, with another J.B. Hunt reefer. And a mid-train DPU -this is a long, heavy train!

And it continues next week.

Saturday, January 25, 2025


 A new intermodal train, KCN87RIX, is rolling through Hillsdale...

ET44AC 549 leads the way.
Followed by GECX ET44AC 2042.
With ex-Santa Fe 660 trailing. The appearance of this Dash 9-44CW tells its age versus the 20 years-younger ET44's!
Meanwhile, the parade of J.B. Hunt reefer boxes continue. These are brand new, with the new, larger logos.
Amongst the Hunt boxes, a NFI box.
An Axsun box is also in the mix, before the block of CR England reefers.
Along with plenty of J. B. Hunt, KCN87RIX also has a plenty of CR England as well!
And a lot more to come as well!

Saturday, January 18, 2025


 The AP&W has inaugurated a new train...

A trio of engines lead train KCN87RIX east. The new train moves refrigerated intermodal between Kansas City and New York City.
AP&W ET44AC 549 leads the way, with GECX 2042 trailing.
Ex-Santa Fe 660 is also in the consist. KCN87RIX is a joint BNSF/AP&W train, launched to help expedite the growing volume of perishable intermodal traffic from west to east.
The first car is a 5-unit 40' well car, loaded with a mix of 40' and 53' reefer containers. The 53's are top mounted every other well.
Since this is a car with 40' wells, the longer containers have to be staggered. as seen here, to fit.
The rest of the well cars have 53' wells, so they can be double-stacked with 53' containers. J.B. Hunt and another Martin box dominate the head end of this train.
More Hunt.
J.B. Hunt, Tiger Cool Express, and Axsun are all in this shot.

More of this train next week!

Sunday, January 5, 2025


 A new structure has recently been added...

A new shed is being built for the MOW vehicles.
The foundation has been poured and the support beams have been erected, as the workers begin the process of spreading the gravel approaches to the stalls.
The bulldozer operator is ready to climb back in his equipment and begin moving the gravel as soon as the dump truck finishes unloading. The dozer will do all the heavy shoving, the other workers will simply finish the surface and edges.
The contractor's trucks sit off to the side. The first truck has a water tank for dust control.
The walls and roof are up, and the approaches are finished.
The bulldozer is loaded onto the trailer, and the men are finishing up.
The completed structure. Walls and roof are tan, the interior is white.
The bulldozer is hauled off, and the rest of the contractor's workers, trucks and equipment will soon follow. Job well done!