Saturday, March 15, 2025


 The conclusion of MCP91...

A string of brand-new Agrium Wholesale covered hoppers. They are leased from First Union, hence the FURX reporting marks.
A close-up of one of the hoppers. Agrium is a Texas-based agricultural company.
The pink "On Track For A Cure" boxcar, FBOX 504927.
HPJX 90229 is a second-hand car, while MEC 32132 is wearing a new paint scheme -the colorful "Pan Am" scheme. Unfortunately, Pan Am is now a fallen flag; it became part of CSX in 2023.
TTJX 81977 is a "finger-rack" car for transporting rebar.
Another carbon black car, and a pair of empty bulkhead flatcars.
A pair of grimy RBOX cars, showing their age.
A more recent repaint. This is a "combo-door" ABOX car, so named because it has both a sliding door and a plug door.
Another "combo-door" ABOX, this one with a replacement plug door.
The final two RBOX cars, both trashed with graffiti..

Saturday, March 8, 2025


 Train MCP-91 (Manifest, Cumberland - Pittsburgh) is passing through Hillsdale...

ET44AC 500 and AC4400 8900 pass the city and head west to Pittsburgh.
A pair of VTTX converted 60' flatcars doing what they were converted for -carrying containers.
A pair of 60' CN boxcars, with yet another TBOX behind them.
CGFX 992121 is ex-CEFX reefer 992121. Look closely, and you can see the "G" is a different font from the other three letters.
CGFX 992114 is another ex-CEFX reefer.
A brand-new 68' GNTX RailGon gondola and yet another CN car, this time a WC marked gondola.
UTLX 300315 is leased to Specialty Minerals. It is followed by a potash hopper.
Yet another TBOX, but this time a "grid-side" car, with a BNSF box behind it.

A pair of FBOX 50' high cube "grid-side" boxcars.
Another look at the VTTX converted flatcars. During the late 80's, TTX converted over a thousand 60' general service flatcars into container-only VTTX cars, removing the decks and adding container pedestals. They can carry either one 40' and one 20' container or three 20' containers, as seen here. With a pair of loaded tank containers, the first car is probably carrying its max load capacity.
The rest of the train nest week.

Saturday, March 1, 2025



Train MCP-91; the Cumberland-Pittsburgh manifest, rolls into town. 

ET44AC 500, the Breast Cancer Awareness unit, leads the train.
Older AC4400 8900 trails.
Boxcars on the head end, including a CN and a GTW car; both have the CN.CA website on their sides.
A carbon black hopper, followed by a tank car.
A string of empty Soy Power tank cars. These cars delivered their loads of biodiesel at the railroad's Cumberland Shops.
A look at one of the Soy Power Bio Fuels tank cars. The AP&W is experimenting with biodiesel fuel in some of its locomotives, mainly yard switchers, as it has yet to purchase fuel tenders for long-range operations.
More boxcars, this time of the 60' variety, including this TBOX car with the older black logo.
An ex-UP car now owned by TTX, followed by another TBOX with the newer red logo.
A Wisconsin Central car, followed by yet another TBOX car.

MCP-91 is just getting started. Stay tuned for more next week!

Saturday, February 15, 2025


 The conclusion of KCN87RIX...

The second half of KCN87RIX is spine cars, most with trailers, as seen here.
J.B. Hunt and Alliance Shippers have both refrigerated containers and trailers in the train.
Wheels Clipper and an older Swift trailer.
Martin and FFE, with another Alliance Shippers reefer.
A look at the Alliance Shippers and FFE reefers.
KLLM reefer trailers round the curve out of town.
Martin also has both refrigerated containers and trailers in this train.
The EOT flashes as KCN87RIX leaves town. For now, it's aimed at perishable traffic, but don't be surprised if it winds up with priority dry goods as well! With a 25-hour transit time between K.C. and N.Y.C., this train will attract a lot of attention from shippers!

Saturday, February 8, 2025


 A new intermodal train, KCN87RIX (from Kansas City to New York City), is passing through Hillsdale...

Alliance Shippers and KLLM/FFE reefer boxes round the curve out of town.
A mid-train DPU (Distributed Power Unit), ET44AC 536, assists the long, heavy train.
The balance of the train is mostly trailers on spine cars.
A pair of FFE trailers bracket a Swift Veteran's -painted reefer.
Another KLLM/FFE reefer box and another pair of Alliance Shippers reefer boxes as well.
J. B. Hunt and KLLM trailers.
Martin Transport is also in the mix.

The final cars of KCN87RIX next week.

Sunday, February 2, 2025


 KCN87RIX, a new priority intermodal freight, is passing through Hillsdale...

The train of reefer containers continues, with more C.R. England boxes and a Tiger Cool Express box.
The containers of C.R. England, Tiger Cool Express, White Arrow, and NFI "Roadrail" are in this shot.
A mix of Alliance Shippers, another White Arrow, and Tiger Cool.
More Alliance Shippers, along with an Axsun reefer box.
More Alliance Shippers with containers marking the merger of FFE and KLLM following.
Another Tiger Cool, another NFI, and more FFE/KLLM.
More FFE/KLLM, with another J.B. Hunt reefer. And a mid-train DPU -this is a long, heavy train!

And it continues next week.