Work has slowly, but surely, progressed on the layout the past month.

As promised, Hillsdale now has a new downtown parking garage! It replaced the two townhouses on Commerce Street. Also, as seen in the above photo, the once vacant lot across the street on the corner of Commerce and Market is now occupied by the new public library.

Another shot of the new parking garage. It is a four-level garage. As dramatic a change as this is to the city's downtown skyline, more changes will soon be seen!

A tour bus heads into town past the newly relocated townhouses. Placing them along the Main Street strip leading out of town has proven to be a wise choice, as not only does the new location make better sense reality-wise, but they also help hide the track along the back of the layout and make the town (and the layout) look bigger.

Lastly, even the M.O.W. lot has been updated, with the addition of two portable toilets and several 'K-rail' barriers around the perimeter of the parking lot, one of which is visible here.
There will be more to come and soon. Stay tuned!
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