With a local car show comming up, Tony and his gang have been busy getting the local's old classics back in 'A-one' condition! While the '48 convertible in the background receives attention, three more cars are ready for their owners'. From left to right: a '57 T-Bird; a '63 Corvette (split-window!); and a '59 Fairlane.

A UPS truck turns into the warehouse lot to make a delivery to Tony's garage. Repairing old cars takes lots of special-ordered parts! Reportedly, Tony has received an offer to buy the warehouse. He might as well, he's the only one who uses it anymore!

One of the younger guys owns that Honda Civic Si 'tuner'. Wonder how that lowered suspension works on gravel and dirt driveway and parking lots! The PT Cruiser beside it with the pink(!) flames belongs to Maggie, who works in the yard office. Someone has to keep track of all the paperwork!

The traffic on Main Street contrasts sharply with the empty rail yard. The soda bottler plant local is out, as is the plastics plant local; otherwise those tracks would be full.

After pulling up in a rental van, two men carry a roll of brand-new carpeting into the building next to Joe's Radio. While the new tennant has yet to be named, it's unlikely that all this work is being done for nothing!
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