To help keep up the employee's morale during tough times, the AP&W's president encouraged the various divisions and facilities to host a company picnic this month. As the
accountants cried, every facility took advantage of the opportunity, including

Being a small operation, at least the
Hillsdale District didn't need
alot of money for their party. The Chicago District- with over 200 workers- on the other hand...

As Jake works the grill, Ricardo walks over to say hi to everyone. Jim and Bob are in their usual spot- in the back of the pick-up (with Bob in his usual position -asleep!) James is seated with his young son Jeff, while his wife, Erica, critiques Jake's grill skills!

Frank is the man giving his daughter a piggy-back ride. When he's not working on signals and other electronics, Sarah is his next 'big project'. Sitting on the hood of the truck is Jake's wife Sue and their son, Jake W. In the foreground, are Mark Davis' two sons, Matt (the red-head) and Mark, Jr. Everyone is checking out Ricardo's car.

Since he had the day off anyway, Ricardo brought in his customized '57 Chevy Bel Air coupe. It was the center of attention- along with his wife, Linda! Matt Davis is the little boy in front, Sam and Bill are off to the side, and Norman -the division foreman- is on the other side with his camera.

Another view of Ricardo's hot rod and wife. He bought the car from an elderly woman out in the country who was otherwise content to let it rust away in the woods. He gave her $200, and, to both their surprises, the car started! What you see here is the results of ten years of work, much of it done by him; Tony did the paint and engine replacement- a small block V-8 out of a wrecked '88 Corvette! The hood scoop is for looks only. His normal ride is an old red Toyota Land Cruiser.