Leased SD40-2 FURX 3004 sits in Hillsdale Yard coupled to AP&W SD40 3163. While the AP&W, like other railroads, has had little need for lease units lately due to the economy, this unit did show up in Hillsdale.

The classic "three-quarters" view, showing the snowplow and ditch lights.

The top view, showing the relocated air horn (to protect the crew's hearing!) with air line to it, and the exhaust streaks on the roof. FURX is the reporting mark for First Union's railcar leasing arm, and the locomotive was rebuilt/upgraded from a former Canadian National SD40.

Two of the many grimy - and graffitied - boxcars that can be found in the yard on any given day. At least the big white cryogenics reefer two tracks over is still clean.
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