Continuing on with the updates...

Here is the MOW lot soon after I got the layout up and running. The cork road on the left was the main road across the front of the layout when it was in the shop; I decided to dead-end it rather than put in a curved grade crossing. At the bottom right is the styrofoam insert material that I used to make the access road along the yard. While the board is painted, the plastercloth along the edge is not!

This is the lot as it appeared in 2009, after I added the storage container for a shop along with a gravel ramp to the road, now paved with painted cardstock pieces.

Here is the MOW lot today, with real dirt on the ground and a gravel shoulder along the edge of the road. Also, the yard now has a new communications tower!

Here's a closer (early) view of the base of the tower and its accompanying electrical cabinet.

And here's the new view of the area, after more dirt has been added to cover up the bare cork. Also seen is the relocated shack, the new dumpster, and Bill's 'Junkyard Dog' pickup truck!
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