More 'nightime' views of Hillsdale...

A close-up of the newly installed streetlights and lighted vehicles on Bank Street. By the end of the year, there should be two more lighted vehicles (and possibly another streetlight or two) on the other side of the street. Since this area is hard to get to, I want to gather up all the materials before I proceed.

Several vehicles sit in the light by the storage units. The area by the dumpster for the AP&W's MOW lot is also lighted by the lamp; Bill's truck and Norman's car are sitting there, waiting for their owners.

In the MOW lot itself, the 'Port-A-Potties' sit, along with several trucks, as a train passes by in the background.

An overall view of Main Street, with both the streetlights and the lights on both ends of the yard in view.

Another look at Main Street at night. And yes, Hillsdale does have a bus station downtown!
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