The boys watch as a tractor-trailer pulls out of the lot. As noted before, there is a trailer lot at the far end of the yard where various trailers are stored. Soon, however, this will change; plans are underway for a repair shop to be built there.

Chris and John check with the yardmaster as William inspects a tank car for a possible leak. Fortunately, the car's load, kaolin clay (used to make magazine pages glossy), isn't hazardous or flammable. If the car checks out O.K., then it and the boxcar behind it will be headed to the paper mill.

If there is a problem, these two trucks stand at the ready to handle it! In fact, the Ford cab-over is the converted rescue truck purchased after a derailment last year.

One of the less-glamorous jobs in railroading is cleaning the locomotive cab -including the bathroom! Still, Jeff takes his job in stride.

Bill, Norman and Chris check out the new arrival from the ground, while Earl does the same on board. The new gen-set switcher has arrived! NRE 2009 is a demo unit that the AP&W is testing at various locations throughout the system. It has three separate 700hp gen-sets that come on-line as needed depending on the power needed. While not powerful enough for large yards, smaller ones like Hillsdale are ideal for such a unit. NRE 2009 will be here for a spell, testing; let's see how she does!
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