Saturday, July 13, 2013


Hillsdale Yard's new gen-set locomotive has arrived!
Newly delivered unit 300 sits in the yard, awaiting its crew. Note the white-painted roof, a rarity on any AP&W locomotive. 300 also has a pair of roof top a/c units, and three exhaust stacks for each of the three 700hp gen-set engines. Number 300 is the AP&W's very first gen-set locomotive, and it's assigned to right here in Hillsdale!
Ricardo and Bob prepare for their day with the newly arrived gen-set. This is what Bob does nowadays when he's not asleep! Job security will help keep you awake -all day even!
With Chris on the ground helping, Ricardo and Bob begin working the yard.
The cars are for DCF12, the City Fizz local.
Later, they head out for Farmingdale, with a short cut of cars for the ethanol plant.
With a short string of The Anderson's covered hoppers loaded with corn for the ethanol process (it's made from corn), unit 300 leaves the yard. While FEL30 normally takes care of Farmingdale Ethanol, on occasion, a small numbers of cars get moved between Hillsdale and Farmingdale. Officially these trains are called EHF00; Extra, Hillsdale-Farmingdale.

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