Sunday, January 18, 2015


A train rolls into Hillsdale under the bridge.
It's a westbound trash train, also known to the crews as a 'skunk train' (for obvious reasons), headed back to Pittsburgh.
SD70MAC 8663 is the sole power for the train -meaning it's a short train! 8663 proudly displays the new corporate logo on its flanks.
The majority of the cars are specially-built 85' flatcars, carrying specially-built 20' trash containers.  At 12' tall, the containers are too tall for anything else; intermodal containers are either 8'6" or 9'6" tall -and the 9'6" units are considered "high cube" containers! In addition to their height, trash containers also a fire port on the side, in the event of the "undesirable".
The tail end of the train is made up of trash-hauling boxcars.
This shot of one of the boxcars shows the graffiti they rack up -and it's usually much more than this!

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