Sunday, July 26, 2015


A string of Herzog gondolas sit in the yard, loaded with granite blocks.
The blocks are headed to a local rock-crushing operator, to be ground into gravel for use in road-building projects around the state.
Also in the yard, are a pair of gons loaded with contaminated dirt. The loads are completely encased in the tarps. With the rise of fracking projects in southwestern Pennsylvania, such loads are becoming increasingly common,
ES44AC 9485 sits in the yard, displaying the new "star" logo.
The shop is going green! A set of newly installed solar panels are seen on the roof. While not enough to power the shop itself, they are sufficient for the office -and its a/c unit on the ground!
The Steel City rolls through on its way to Washington, D.C. So far, the train is being well-received, so it looks like it will be around for a while!

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