Sunday, December 13, 2020


 As the holiday approaches, things get busier...

Traffic rolls through downtown as people finish their holiday shopping.

Along with shopping, business deals are also being made. A handshake finalizes a deal between two business men after lunch at the Hickory Pit Bar-B-Q.

The westbound Steel City Express rolls along towards Pittsburgh behind one of Amtrak's heritage units, sporting their original look with red nose and "headless arrow" logo. Today's train is loaded with people heading home for the holidays
Also loaded with home-goers is this Greyhound bus, headed for D.C.
The internet retail operation is still in full swing, requiring FedEx to send a large semi -just like rival UPS.
And just like UPS, FedEx is also still making pick-ups and deliveries in town.
And you know it's Christmas time when the Christmas Train arrives!

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