Sunday, June 27, 2021



All is quiet in the alley behind the public library. Some days, you might find a few teenagers sneaking a smoke (cigs or otherwise), but not today.

The recent stretch of warm, sunny days has been good for top-down driving, as Barbara enjoys a ride in her BMW.
Tony's Garage is doing good business, as two workers discuss the upcoming work. Note the engine lift sitting outside the shop. It will soon be put to work swapping motors: someone is looking to soup-up their ride!
I recently installed a pair of Walthers traffic lights at the intersection; here a worker finishes up the job. This light faces Market Street.
The other light faces west-bound traffic on County Lane. This light is actually temporary; I have another pair of overhead lights that I bought from Shapways that I have yet to paint. One will go here, the other will face the east-bound traffic on County Lane.
Another update is that I added a touch of weathering to the Salvation Army building. It's hard to see, but if you click on the picture, it becomes a bit easier to see. I plan to add mortar to more of the brick buildings on the layout, to make them -and the layout- more realistic.

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