Sunday, September 4, 2022


 SND40 continues...

The top container is a corrugated-side 53 footer, while the bottom one is an external post box. 
Another pair of corrugated and post side boxes, but reversed, with the top one being an early Hyundai.
The bottom container is another ex-Martin box, while the top one is a late production Hyundai.
A pair of rare white Schneider containers, with a third one in the next well of this BNSF MAXI IV car.
The white container has an orange OptiModal logo.
Back to the standard orange!
Another pair of OptiModal containers. OptiModal is the company's expedited container service run jointly with EMP; which, in turn, is run jointly by UP and NS (and Conrail, before the 1996 split). The AP&W became a partner in EMP in 1997, as a condition of the Conrail split, and now carries a fair amount of EMP and OptiModal traffic.
Again, back to the regular orange. Note that on the exterior-post containers, the posts aren't painted, only the side panels between them.
Two more exterior post containers.
The CIEX car rounds the curve out of town, as SND40 rolls on.
Another shot of SND40 passing downtown.
This shot shows what's to come; a string of UPS traffic tacked on the rear of SND40!

The UPS conclusion of SND40 next week.

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