Saturday, March 1, 2025



Train MCP-91; the Cumberland-Pittsburgh manifest, rolls into town. 

ET44AC 500, the Breast Cancer Awareness unit, leads the train.
Older AC4400 8900 trails.
Boxcars on the head end, including a CN and a GTW car; both have the CN.CA website on their sides.
A carbon black hopper, followed by a tank car.
A string of empty Soy Power tank cars. These cars delivered their loads of biodiesel at the railroad's Cumberland Shops.
A look at one of the Soy Power Bio Fuels tank cars. The AP&W is experimenting with biodiesel fuel in some of its locomotives, mainly yard switchers, as it has yet to purchase fuel tenders for long-range operations.
More boxcars, this time of the 60' variety, including this TBOX car with the older black logo.
An ex-UP car now owned by TTX, followed by another TBOX with the newer red logo.
A Wisconsin Central car, followed by yet another TBOX car.

MCP-91 is just getting started. Stay tuned for more next week!

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