Sunday, January 16, 2022


 Train CDB47 is rolling east with a mix of both international and domestic traffic. The last two weeks we saw the international traffic, now let's look at the domestic traffic...

Three common shippers are seen here; Swift, J.B. Hunt, and EMP (the green container). HUB Group is a leasing company whose boxes show up quite often as well.
A Tiger Cool Express reefer box is atop a FedEx box, one of two in this picture. There is also a pair of XPO Logistics boxes and another Swift box.
A heavily weathered Pacer Stacktrain MAXI IV stack car leads the domestic section. A dirty HUB Group box rides a BNSF box.
Another HUB Group box beneath a grimy orange Schneider box. The HUB box has UPHU reporting marks, meaning it is leased to the Union Pacific.
The previously seen Swift/ J.B. Hunt combo. Note the Hunt box is a grey "Ocean Certified" unit.
The Tiger Cool Express reefer and FedEx boxes.
Chris stands safely off to the side, as the train rolls past, graffiti and all!
The tail end of the train has a colorful pair of containers in the center car, and a rear-end DPU pusher!

We'll look at the end of the train next week.

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