Saturday, June 26, 2010


Some recent changes to the layout...

A before shot of the open area between the tracks and the wall. While not obvious from most viewing angles, it still was an area that needed improvement.

The 'after' shot. A piece of foam board trimmed to fit, painted, and then covered with ground-foam "grass" and small trees and shrubs fills the space in nicely.

As you can see, the trees and shrubs help carry the scene to the backdrop, adding a hint of distance. Also in the photo is a newly installed street light, beside the storage units. More on this later...

Two new things in this photo.
1) The alleyway behind the buildings on Market Street has been widened with the addition of more foam board. A length of hedgerow has been placed to hide the edge. This is the first stage of what will eventually be more scenery on the back of the layout to hide the back trackage from view.
2) Speaking of the back of the layout, notice the new sign on the roof of the former Bradley Building! After seeing Miller Engineering's new Budwiser sign, I knew of the perfect place for it on my layout! The sign works, I hope to put up video of it someday soon (my camcorder needs a tripod!).
To go along with the backside scenery concept, I stapled strips of (cheap) grass matting along the back risers with this effect. Now, instead of bare wires and benchwork, there at least seems to be a hillside! I have since added more foam board on top of the risers, and plan to add backdrop buildings on top of those - to hide the tracks at the back and (hopefully) make the layout seem even bigger.

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