Saturday, November 12, 2011


Last week's train dropped off three cars in Hillsdale Yard. Let's follow up on them...

The heavy-duty flatcar with the retired turbine sits in the yard after being dropped off. These views show the bracing rods used to secure the large, heavy load to the car. Given the size and shape, if it falls off the car, there will be a nice trail of destruction left behind -especially if it rolls down a hill in western Pennsylvania!

Meanwhile, the two compressor parts have been moved over to the eastbound tracks. Ricardo prepares to climb aboard SD40 3163 to take the loads to the under-construction ethanol plant, which will be an ADM-affiliated (but not owned) facility.

Sam looks over the cars as they are readied for movement. When the new plant is finished, it will be a major customer for the railroad, with lots of ADM hoppers and tank cars coming and going.
Since it won't be owned by ADM, however, on occasion you will also see cars from their competitors as well!

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