Saturday, September 1, 2012


Like all railroads, the AP&W requires constant maintenance and upkeep to stay in top running shape. Since this the Labor Day weekend, let's honor some of the men who help keep the railroad running...
Dale Williams, the Hillsdale Yard Supervisor, gives out work assignments at the start of the day. His men are competent and capable, making his job easier!
A lone worker hammers loose spikes back in place.
Later, another worker comes over to help. Watch your hands, that's a 10lb sledgehammer!
In the lot beside the shop, two men converse about the day's work while a third prepares to open the  rented storage container. The excavator will be used on grading/drainage projects along the main; no word on whether or not the riding mower will be put to use on railroad property!
Norman talks to the driver of the crew shuttle bus at the end of the day, before he departs the yard. A traveling work gang is doing upgrades along the main line between Uniontown and Cumberland. After a long day, the track workers are tired, but after a good night's rest at a local hotel, they'll be ready to go again in the morning!

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