Saturday, October 5, 2013


Another autumn excursion train!
The smoke rises from engine 34 as she passes underneath the bridge.
As she rounds the corner, we see that she has a new, fully enclosed, passenger car in tow, along with the open car.
With the cooler weather of fall, the closed car becomes increasingly popular! The open car still has its weather-hardy fans though; nothing beats the sounds and smells of a hard-working steamer!
Following behind the train is a hi-railer truck, at the ready -if needed- for assistance. With the steamer approaching 120 years of service, a dedicated support team is a must!
The other excursion queen -F7 1- sits in the shop for a little TLC between runs. While not quite as old as the steamer, unit 1 was built during the late 40's, as the APRR was converting from steam to diesel power; she, too, requires a support team to keep her running.
With the fall excursion season underway, we wonder; will any other unusual (neat) trains pass through town?

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