Monday, September 29, 2014


Continued from last week, CDB47 rolls through. Like most modern trains, this one "keeps on going"...
Lost among the spine cars is one lone stack car. Note that the Roadway trailer only has markings on the rear doors (it also has them on the front).
Among the new entrants to intermodal; Werner and England, as seen here. The blue Werner trailer really stands out among the normal white trailers!
A long-time user of intermodal is Swift Transportation; these trailers show the new look introduced five years ago.
Two Swift containers on a spine car, and a clean one at that. Only the area around the trucks are dirty; usually the whole car is coated.
The EOT flashes as the train rolls through the yard. While it serves the same purpose, an EOT just doesn't have the same character as a caboose!
Rolling out of town, CDB47 meets another train.
Another train for another week...

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