Saturday, November 15, 2014


Another fall train...
The star of this fall is engine 1645! Built in 1942, the big 2-8-4 locomotive is one of two members of the APRR's K-4 class of Berkshire engines remaining -and the only one still operational. Keeping up an 82-year-old steamer requires a small army of workers; here a relative skeleton crew performs the final preps to get her ready, as the engineer and fireman wait by the cab to board her.
With the ongoing restoration of N&W J 611 and UP Big Boy 4014, steam excursions may be the "in thing" in the near future!
Here she comes! Traveling between D.C. and Pittsburgh 1645 rolls westward under the bridge.
As appropriate for a fall train, domes dominate the short train, including this ex-Santa Fe full dome.
While only a five-car consist, it still makes a handsome train behind the equally handsome engine.
The ex-Santa Fe full dome car dates back to 1954, when it was built by Budd for the San Francisco Chief as a "Big Dome", with a bar, lounge and crew dormitory on the lower level. After its Santa Fe days, it went to Auto Train; after Auto Train's demise, it went through several more owners before ending up with Railcar Charter Service, who restored it to its former glory.
The other two domes are ex-APRR, veterans of the Alton Limited; a Chicago to St. Louis train the the APRR inherited from its 1947 acquisition of the Alton Railroad. The train was upgraded in the mid-50's with stainless steel cars from Budd Car Co., including these domes. While many of the railroad's passenger cars were sold off in the 70's, some remained, and are now part of the AP&W's business/excursion fleet.
Bringing up the rear are the Railcar Charter Service's other two cars. While not giving as impressive a view as the dome cars, they do offer more style and comfort.

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