Sunday, February 8, 2015


Last week, train DBW11, the Wilson Steel Local, arrived in Hillsdale Yard. Now, the fun begins...
Jason guides the train into the siding, as the cars are split up into different tracks for departure.
The 65' gons are spotted, while the rest of the train sets on the main.
Re-joined, the train moves forward so the loads of big pipe can be spotted.
Jason guides the cars into the siding. When they are in place, he'll pull the uncoupling levers to separate them from the train, and then close the switch when the train clears.
The steel plates and coils at the end of the train are the last to be spotted. The other cars are seen in the background.
All of the cars are now spotted, ready for departure. Hopefully, they will leave soon; since the two empty tracks are the shop lead and the MOW storage track, this side of the yard is now full!

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