Sunday, April 5, 2015


Recently, I have been busy painting wheelsets. Here are some of the results...
The car on the right has its factory-applied wheelsets, the car on the left has replacement wheelsets that I painted. Notice the improved appearance.
This Conrail CoilSHEILD car now has painted wheelsets as well, which also highlight the weathered trucks.
A special "high and wide" train passes through town -the Easter Train!
While the Rock Island -painted engine on the head end is interesting enough, the real treat -literally- is what is loaded on the cars; giant chocolate bunnies!
Protectively wrapped and securely strapped to the cars, they are headed east to parts unknown...
(Okay, they are headed to "known parts"; mouths, stomachs, hips, etc.)
Bringing up the rear is a caboose whose colors match the wrapping on the bunnies!

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