Sunday, December 20, 2015


It's that time of year again...the return of the Christmas train!
Train DEC25 rolls into town.
The train is lead by two engines; the old green one and a new red one!
The crew watches as the train pulls in.
The new engine is another second-hand GE 70-tonner. It's been painted red, to compliment the other engine, and is numbered 12, to "date-match" the other engine, #25. In addition, it has been lettered 'Seasons Greetings', and has snowflakes on the sides, as well as an American flag decal on the cab sides.
Engine 12 also has a snowplow mounted on the front pilot. After all, the heart of the AP&W is the upper Midwest!
The kids line up for their gifts from Santa, as they are handed down from the car. A photographer records the moment.
Two more kids come running up, as their caretaker watches. In addition to the kids of the local railroad employees, gifts are also given out to the kids from the Hillsdale House, a home for at-risk children from throughout southwestern Pennsylvania.

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