Sunday, August 14, 2016


From last week...
A single tank car is followed by another loaded centerbeam car, and a covered hopper.
The hopper car and the two boxcars behind it will be dropped off for delivery to Johnson Foods.
A trio of molten sulfur cars are in the mix.
The train is filled out with another hopper (a pressure-differential like the previous one), a boxcar, and three more covered hoppers, including a two-bay.
This close up of two of the molten sulfur cars shows that the reporting marks have both different lettering fonts, the car in the center has smaller stencil lettering, while the car on the right has larger conventional lettering.
The plastic pellet hopper near the end shows this weathering and graffiti.
The final car is this CPLX hopper, which has had its top half repainted, but not the bottom half!

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