Sunday, November 6, 2016


Train FEL31, the westbound train from Farmingdale Ethanol, passes through Hillsdale on the way to Uniontown...
The lead engine passes under the bridge.
The engines in charge today are SD70MAC 8663 and AC4400 8900, both in full "Star" logo dress.
On the head end are several hoppers of DDG pellets; a byproduct of the ethanol distilling process, these are often used in animal feeds. Note the "billboard" scheme worn by the first hopper, while the other two are green -unusual for a covered hopper.
Other hoppers are in the traditional "plain-jane" grey, with minimal markings.
Several tank cars are returning after delivering gasoline, used to make the ethanol unfit for drinking(!).
The main body of tank cars are loaded with ethanol.
Being an ADM facility, it's no surprise to find ADM tanks in the mix.Pt2 will continue next week, with the rest of the train.

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