Sunday, February 4, 2018


Super Bowl weekend has arrived!
Mr Willis rides home from work on his scooter. Given the cold weather, he has to balance the desire to rush home with the fact that the faster he goes, the greater the wind chill he faces!
The Union Ice truck he rode behind has stocked-up The Pub, and now is ready to continue on its rounds. With two big-screen TV's, The Pub will be full during the game!
Super Bowl parties mean lots of food! Both the Domino's and the KFC plan on being busy! The delivery truck is so long, that it juts out into the street, forcing pedestrians to walk around it.
The city's new motor grader rolls up County Lane. The driver is glad he doesn't have to work on Sunday!
The internet warehouse is busy receiving -and shipping- Super Bowl-themed merchandise. Here a semi with a 53' Hub container rolls in to town.
Will and Chris talk football while awaiting an incoming freight. Neither man really cares who wins the game; both men are Steelers fans!

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