Sunday, February 24, 2019


Like the rest of the Northeast, it's cold in Hillsdale...
A man waits outside the new cafe for his lunch partner. Given the 10 degree temperature, he won't be waiting outside for long!
A mother re-wraps up her son after the leave the comic shop. They may live only a block away down the street at the Bradley Building, but on a cold, windy day like today, they will still miss the warmth of the shop on the way home! At least the kid got several comic books to pass the time with while the schools are closed!
Brian Jacks stands outside Sully's Tavern. After a few drinks, he has warmed himself up for the cold weather. Hopefully, he WONT be getting behind the wheel for the trip home, but will instead call a cab (as of now there is still no UBER service in Hillsdale).
The wind gusts as two women meet at the Perfect Perk Cafe. They will spend a long time sipping expresso's trying to warm back up!
Jans is bundled up as he makes his way back to his car. The latest polar vortex got downright brutal in Southwestern Pennsylvania!

1 comment:

Bill Cox said...

Burrrr. Makes me cold thinking about it.