Sunday, April 14, 2019


Spring is finally here!
Chris and his wife, Hanna talk to Frank. Hanna is expecting their second child this summer.
Norman (in the pink shirt) talks with several other workers, including soon-to-be-retired Billy Ray (hands in pocket). Billy Ray has worked for the railroad for over fifty years as a mechanic, and has seen the evolution of locomotives from the EMD 645 and GE FDL engines of the mid 60's to the latest Tier 4 engines from both manufacturers. Now, he gets to work on something much simpler; his 1965 Ford F100!

Genset 300 gets fired up for the start of the day. Carl will do the honors as engineer today, while Jason will join him as brakeman. The string of hoppers behind the engine will be delivered to the paper mill in Dale City and both loaded and empty cars will be brought back.
As the latest "blue train" rolls past, a pair of workers leave out the machine shop on the way to the yard office. It seems that the HVAC system isn't working properly -and Maggie, like most women, works better (and is easier to get along with) when she is comfortable at her desk!
Dale Williams gives information to Will about upcoming work around Hillsdale Yard. After the cold, hard winter comes the spring thaw -and rains! There will be LOTS of work to do around the area, both in and out of Hillsdale.
Briggs talks with Lance while Jake goes to the truck to drop the side panel so Lance can unload the crates. New parts have arrived at the shop in anticipation of future work to be done on various pieces of equipment. While the shop stays busy year-round, spring is especially hectic as Maintenance of Way equipment comes out of storage for the annual right-of-way rehabilitation ritual. And we shall see the both the MOW equipment and rehabilitation in the coming weeks.

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