Sunday, May 19, 2019


On a spring day in Hillsdale...
Traffic on County Lane is brisk as people enjoy the warm weather. After a long, cold winter, the return of spring is most welcome. Someone even broke out their old GMC camper to hit the trails in!
Later in the day, the UPS truck makes a stop. The driver caught the perfect time -between the lunchtime and afternoon rushes!
Nancy walks with her grandson, Brandon. Today is his birthday, so she's treating him to a meal at Hickory Pit Bar-B-Q. Happy 12th birthday Brandon!
The "crew" gathers at the Salvation Army for a free meal. The weather may be warm, but they still wear their coats -for most of them about all they have is the clothes on their backs.
At the opposite end of the financial spectrum, a man has just proposed to his girlfriend -with a new Benz! Think she said "yes"?
Another couple walks the sidewalk on Main St. While the shopping in downtown Hillsdale is quite modest, there still is shopping to be done -and these two are enjoying the opportunity together!

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