Sunday, August 25, 2019


A leased FURX SD40-2 sits in the yard one afternoon. Note the loaded woodchip hoppers, awaiting delivery to the paper mill in Dale City.
At the other end of the yard, sit several gondolas loaded with pipes and steel slabs. Note the shop door is closed, despite the apparently nice weather.
On another day, a number of bulkhead flatcars tote bundles of ties from the removal of an old branch line in Somerset County that once served a produce warehouse for local peach and apple farmers, but hasn't been used since the mid-90's. The warehouse has been torn down, hence the branch line's abandonment and removal.
Another car, this one a newly repainted PS4750 covered hopper. However, it is no longer in grain service; it is now a buffer car for use in unit oil train service, and will soon receive the markings for such.
This 80's shot shows a pair of Mack R semi tractors; one for the APRR's regular MOW fleet and the other for APMT -APpalachian Motor Transport, the APRR's trucking arm. The APRR truck has the railroad's logo on the doors. While the APMT truck only has the basic lettering, it also has a lot more chrome! The AP&W still operates the APMT today, providing local delivery for its intermodal customers to and from the numerous hubs the AP&W serves. And they still use Mack trucks!

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