Saturday, December 31, 2022


 Another intermodal rolls west through Hillsdale...

ET44AC 517 leads NYCKC701NS (New York City-Kansas City, via NS).This is an international traffic train which uses NS' ex-Wabash main between Indianapolis, Ind. and Springfield, Ill.
GE pre-production ET44AC unit 2023 is the "middle child".
The final ET44AC is literally unidentified! Delivered from Erie with "ghost" reporting marks, this engine won't stay blank for long -the FRA (Federal Railroad Agency) won't allow it!
The head end is loaded with plenty of brand new ONE (Ocean Network Express) containers in both magenta and white, though a Maersk Line container is in the middle of the top row.
In late 2017, both the AP&W's ET44AC's and Ocean Network Express are brand-new; the well car, however, is not. Built by Trinity Rail in 1987, this is a "Backpacker" well car with 40' wells; it has been "patched" with the new red Heritage logo, along with several other painted-out areas.
More pink containers!
Another Trinity Backpacker, this one patched from its original scheme with the old (though new at the time) TTX logo. Note the middle well has a 40' K-Line box atop a pair of 20's; one another K-Line, the other a MSC.
Another K-Line container, this one a 45' box, with still more 40' ONE containers. The varying roofline of the train is due to a mix of  standard-height (8'6") and hi-cube (9'6") containers.

This train is a long one, so we'll be watching it for a while, starting next week!

And by the way, HAPPY NEW YEAR!

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