Sunday, May 28, 2023


 This Memorial Day weekend sees a steam excursion train rolling through town!

Extra 1645 is running from Pittsburgh to Cumberland, with a final destination of Washington, D.C.
As the train rounds the curve into town, we see the motive power is one of the Berkshires of predecessor road the Appalachian RR.
Engine 1645 makes its return to Hillsdale, leading yet another excursion train!

As usual, the train is made up of a mix of railroad-owned and private passenger cars.

A shot of Extra 1645 as it passes through the yard.
A going-away shot of 1645.
The first car is Appalachian power car 11, which provides head-end-power to the train.
The rest of the cars will be seen next week.
HAPPY MEMORIAL DAY. Remember those who have served and sacrificed for our great nation -this is the reason for the holiday!

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