Sunday, November 8, 2015


FedEx is busy making deliveries downtown; this is one of their newer "Sprinter" vans.
The work crew of Cornerstone Construction takes a lunch break at the Hickory Pit Bar-B-Q.
Later, a city work crew stops at the same place -one of Hillsdale's favorite spots.
Since it's fall, the local equipment dealers are having clearance sales. Here, two new John Deere tractors are being trucked in -much to the dealership's chagrin; they're trying to get rid of the 2015's, not get more!
A common sight in town is this semi. The 40' trailer is long obsolete; but with vent holes cut into the sides, and the roll-up rear door cut down, the trailer is now serving a new purpose hauling wood chips from local logging operations to the paper mill in Dale City. To empty it, the entire semi will be strapped to a platform and tipped on end!

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